Autocad Contour Lisp
Contour Lines Lisp software free downloads. Contour Lines Lisp shareware, freeware, demos: Terrain Tool for AutoCAD by llandsoftcom, FlashMNT by DeliCAD, RTOPO by Rcad Software etc.
Install cydia package without dependencies on fire stick. Shallowhead said the following On 3/1/2007 6:50 AM: > Greetings, > I'm looking for a lisp or something to help draw automatic contours based on 3d spot elevations that I have in a drawing. I need this to be done in AutoCAD 2006 or 07. > Willing to pay a fair price.
Sotsiologik qonunlar esa kishilar faoliyati bilan bog`liq bo`lib, ular o`rtasidagi muhim va zaruriy aloqalarda, ularning ijtimoiy faoliyati va xatti-harakatlari o`rtasidagi munosabatlarda namoyon bo`ladi. Qonun olamdagi narsa va hodisalarning muhim, zaruriy, umumiy va takrorlanib turuvchi o`zaro aloqalari va munosabatlarining namoyon bo`lishidir. Unda har qanday obyektiv voqelikning tashkiliy va amaliy harakat asoslari ochib beriladi. Ma'lumki, har qanday fanning yadrosini uning qonunlari tashkil etadi. Ular obyektiv voqelikni aks ettiradi. Mehnat hakida makollar uzbekcha ki.
> Best regards, > SH Take a look at: -- R.K. McSwain You may wish you had payed a fair price but I do have a program I created a few years back that I use. The commands are simple SCON to set the contour height CONTOUR to use it All you have to do is select a node then a dtext item on one side then do the same for the other side. Then repeat until your fingers are soar.
It places points which you can join later using a spline. If you want to modify it to prompt an elevation send me an email (I have used it that way in the past) and I'll let you know how.